All games must commence on the confirmed final date for wagers to have action. Dates will be corrected as events are confirmed by Promoters. On events where’event must take place by’ is defined that this date will apply. If either fighter has been replaced with another fighter all bets will be void and stake returned
When the bell sounds to begin the first round, the bout will be considered official for betting purposes, regardless of the scheduled length or title.
If either fighter fails to answer the bell for the next round then his opponent will be deemed to have won in the previous round.
In the event of a struggle being declared a’No Contest’ all bets will be void and stakes returnedwith the exclusion of markets where the result has been determined.
If the scheduled length of this game is changed, all prior wagers on the amount of rounds of the bout will be rated as’No Action’.
Each round is just three minutes in duration; a half-round is defined as ninety minutes. When wagering on total rounds, please note that a lineup of 9??1/2 ROUNDS, MEANS 1:30 INTO THE 10TH ROUND! Nine complete rounds, plus 1:30 of the 10th. UFC Championship Fights: Each round is 5 minutes in length, a half round is defined as (150) One Hundred and Fifty seconds. When wagering on totals rounds, please be aware that a line of 1.5 rounds means 2:30 into the 2nd round. 1 complete round, plus 2:30 of round two.
For wagering purposes, the disqualification of a boxer during a match will be counted as a match by his opponent.
If the wagering offer on a game includes the draw as a third option and the game ends in a draw, then wagers on the draw is going to be compensated while wagers on either fighter will be lost. If the wagering offer includes just both fighters — with all the draw either not offered or offered as a separate proposition — and the game ends in a draw, wagers on either fighter will be reimbursed.
In situations not covered by the prior principles, the wagering decision announced by the Don Best Sports advice service will be considered official and binding.
If for any reason a race is delayed or postponed, activity for all wagers will stay for 48 hours. In the event that the delay should last over 48 hours, then all wagers are cancelled and the bets refunded.
Bets on Formula One (F1), Motor and Auto races have been decided by the podium position on the afternoon of their prize-giving for the particular occasion; any changes in position after this time aren’t considered for settling purposes.
Bets on NASCAR are Graded after the post-race inspection process is complete and also an official result is declared.
Drivers must start the race for actions. If two drivers abandon the race after completing the exact same number of laps, then the respective head-to-head is deemed emptiness; differently the driver that completes the most laps will be deemed the winner should both drivers fail to finish the race. To win the race, at least 60 percent of the beginning field must start the race to get actions.
NASCAR Qualifiers:
For qualifying match-ups, only the times posted throughout the third semester are used.
Disqualifications happening over 30 minutes after the qualifying session has ended are not recognized for wagering purposes.
Wagering lines on qualifying match-ups will be considered closed at the start of the first clinic. Any wagers made after the start of the first practice session will be graded as No Action and all monies refunded.
To Qualify In Pole Position: All in compete or not. Bets settled on the driver who’s declared as qualifying on pole immediately after the conclusion of the qualifying session. Any following demotion or disqualification wouldn’t affect the result.
Fastest Lap: Bets settled on the motorist who’s officially announced to have finished the quickest lap of the race.
Formula 1:
Wagers on a motorist will be in effect if, and only if, the driver pops on the official starting grid following the warm-up lap.
The podium rankings will be used to determine first, second and third for betting purposes. All outcomes for Formula One stakes are governed by the FIA’s classification at the time of the podium presentation.
Drivers must begin the race for action.
All season wagers are settled using the official results from the FIA in the close of the season.
Pole Position wagers are settled according to the driver who starts the race in pole position. (To the starting grid)
All individual race wagers are settled on the official classification from the FIA in the time of the podium presentation. Any subsequent stewards enquiries that might alter the classification or disqualify drivers won’t rely on wagering purposes.
Official results can be seen in
Motorbike Racing
Riders in place for the start of the warm up lap for race 1 are deemed as runners for race.
Any cyclists withdrawing from race 2 after race will be winners for settlement of race 2.