The WWE PPV event occurs on Sunday, March 10 at 7 PM Eastern and is eligible WWE Fastlane 2019. You can view it on the WWE Network as is true for all live events. Seriously, the WWE Network is worth the price of admission for the NXT programming alone.
As if you had evidence that the pro wrestling business has changed completely from how it used to be consider this–as I write this we’re one week from bell time of WWE Fastlane 2019 and there are only four games supported for the card. There’s every reason to think that within the subsequent 7 days a range of other games will be added to the occasion and it’ll probably wind up with 8 or 9 (give or take a couple ). This could be unthinkable not to only an’old school’ wrestling promoter but even Vince McMahon and the WWE just a few decades back.
For decades the traditional wisdom was straightforward: TV was utilized to set up angles to get people into stadium seats and afterwards to get PPV purchases. Any promoter–including Vince McMahon himself or for that matter his dad Vincent J. McMahon–would be apoplectic if there was a week to go before a huge series and/or PPV event and the card was half booked. The common practice was to possess the card more or less’set in stone’ at least a few weeks before a major event so the TV product could change focus from placing up feuds and angles to promoting the games on the card as’must see’.
Pro wrestling exists in a universe that is different. If you would like to get semantically correct the’pay per view’ series does not exist any longer –at least in the USA. Instead of putting $49.95 or whatever in your cable bill for the big WWE cards they are streamed live on the WWE Network. The metric has gone from buy rates to network subscriptions. By way of instance, in 2018 that the WWE Network included a half million readers during the run up to Wrestlemania. Of course the $64,000 question is how many of these viewers remained busy paying subscribers. The WWE often runs’prices’ until they record quarterly earnings to pump up the subscriber numbers. This is no different than the network TV’sweeps week’ or for that matter any other publicly held firm. All of them do things to depict their business in the most positive light when reporting earnings.
The pro wrestling firm could be due to a more modifications –at least as it pertains to the WWE. Their fiscal priority is no longer PPVs or perhaps WWE Network subscriptions. This past year, they signed prices with USA and Fox worth a combined $2.2 billion to $2.4 billion over 5 years from October 2018 to September 2024. This large money was mostly for rights to broadcast Raw and Smackdown. At some stage logic implies that the WWE would want to set their biggest matches on their main stage–and also the one with the maximum financial upside. Not long after they signed the deal I’ve speculated that the concept of the’major pro wrestling show’ (call it a PPV or whatever) might go the way of jobbers in masks and blading around TV:
Will the conventional format of this pro wrestling product change dramatically? Based on the numbers at play it’ll need to. Historically, television proved to be a promotional vehicle to get folks to visit the Atlanta City Auditorium, the Columbia Township Auditorium, Olympic Auditorium, etc. to see the live events. Thus the propensity toward wrestling shows throughout the 1970’s heavy on’squash matches’, promos and angles. Throughout the’Monday Night Wars’ between WCW and WWE throughout the late 1990’s, TV evaluations became an important metric–possibly *the* most important metric–but the basic dynamic of this product remained the same. There were more competitive matches on television but the promotions were at a continuous’construct’ toward the next PPV event. Over the past almost two decades television has continued to rise in value and big matches, name changes, etc. are becoming more commonplace. Even with new platforms like the WWE Network exactly the exact same assumption has been date–there might be more* important stuff on TV but the focal point stays the’Big 4′ PPV events and specifically Wrestlemania. At this point, but this can be as much due to’tradition’ as anything else.
So what is next? I’d love to think that there is still a place for’big events’ with stacked cards but at some stage this may go by the wayside with the most significant matches just interspersed with the remaining weekly television programming. However it plays out, these are interesting times for the work of professional wrestling.
We are already seeing changes in how what we’ll euphemistically call’PPV events’ are reserved and encouraged. Rather than the booking being planned well in advance we’ll see several matches’come together’ on WWE programming this week. These seismic modifications are on balance a good thing. I can now subscribe directly to NJPW World and also most of the other major Japanese promotions and receive a ridiculous number of live and archived content. When I first started watching Japanese wrestling it was a matter of investing or buying videotapes meaning that even the most ardent enthusiast was weeks or even months behind the actual product. From top to base the quality of the pro wrestling product around the globe is probably better than it has ever been.
For the time being, we’ll still call it the WWE’s next’PPV event’. Here are the betting odds for WWE Fastlane 2019 with the four supported games and a couple of other’rumors’ which have been making the rounds:
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